To everyone given birth to, bestowed is a potential. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made. It is now left to a person to either keep the potential and make it useless by not making an impact in his generation.

The little gift, skill and talent you have is so much more important in this world than one can possibly imagine. No single one is born useless. Come out from your shyness and activate your God-given potential. If you cannot make use of your skill, do not grumble at anything someone else is doing to make his dream a reality.

Attempt something you love doing, then you will be shocked at the response you will receive from people. The Bible says “the world awaits the manifestation of the sons of God” in Rom.8:19. This generation is waiting, the world is waiting, the time is ticking, the angels are waiting for you to start. Don’t forget, you will be remembered for the things you’ve done.

Methuselah was remembered for nothing despite the years He spent on earth.

Have you forgotten the story of a servant that the master gave different talents to in Matt.25:14-30? The one that was given 1 buried it, and he was punished for it. Never let your story end this way. Rise up, awake the sleeping lion in you. Come out of your shell, the kingdom of darkness is on the momentum, there is no time to lay a-waste.

The way you vocalize, you know, come out and sing to liberate the soul and set the captive free. The teaching skills you have, there are generations waiting for you in order to be taught. That speaking skill is something tangible, people want to listen to you. Many skills, gifts and talents are hidden in you need to be active.

My plea to you this day is to start making an impact.