How does the journey of love begin?

In the beginning, God created heaven and the earth, He created animals and so many other creatures. Then He created man in His image (comprising the body, spirit, and soul), He gave him the key of authority and dominion over all things He has created, even though Human beings were the last creatures God created before He rested (what a special being).

God’s glory overshadowed them. God cared about man. He made man lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honour. He made him rule over the works of His hands and put everything under His feet. All flocks and herds and the wild animals, the birds in the sky and fishes in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. Psalm 8:4-8. The name Adam gave all creatures is the name they bear to this day. 

This is one of the pieces of evidence of God’s love towards Man. God felt Adam was lonely, He does not have someone like Him around to always gist with all the time. So, God decided to cause a deep sleep on Him and took some ribs from Him to make another creature. 

God would have given the creature a name but because He has given man authority and dominion all over the creatures, God brought the creature to Adam and Adam saw the creature and said this is the bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh and she shall be called a Woman.  

In the evening of the day, God will come and play with Man. They talk, gist, and laugh together (koinonia). The devil was jealous and angry because God gave man the key of authority and dominion over all things, more also because of the love He has bestowed on man and the wonderful relationship. 

The devil plans to steal the key of authority and dominion from the man so that He would be in charge of the world and man will be an enemy of God just like him. 

One day, the devil went ahead to talk to Eve in the garden of Eden as a friend in the form of a serpent. He deceived Eve to eat the fruit and Eve gave Adam the fruit to eat also. Immediately they lose the key of authority, peace, and dominion, the glory of God left them. 

God came in the evening of the day, as usual, to play with them but He was disappointed with both the man and the woman. They never felt sorry for what they’ve done but kept blaming one another. They wanted to be like God himself (what a selfish desire). 

God cursed them and sent them out of the garden of Eden. 

Yet, God still loves them but Man never repented from their evil ways. Their lives became worse. It got to a certain stage, God regretted creating man and He promises never to strife with Man any longer, Genesis 6. 

In the old testament, God only spoke to some certain people who are known as Priest and those who He instructed to consecrate themselves.  God was troubled because He was unable to communicate with man the way He has always done. He wants the relationship back. 

God was looking for who to save Men from their sins. The solution can be solved by someone (a blameless person) who will go to the earth in the form of a human and suffer for what He has not done and in the end, He would be crucified. 

No one in heaven was ready to face such persecution, shame, and disgrace, leaving His glory and honour behind to suffer for what he has not done but JESUS decided to go. Everyone was surprised. JESUS is the only son of God. God does not have any choice than to let him go. 

JESUS came to this sinful world as a human through a virgin called Mary. He waxed strong and dwell among men. He knew no sin. He so much loves men to the extent that He could not withstand the suffering of men. He was given power by His heavenly father. 

He preached peace to men when men were far away from Him. With God’s divine power He began to heal the sick, raise the dead, set the captive free, deliver the oppressed, put a smile on people’s faces, performed a lot of miracles, cast out demons from people’s lives, He was found during good to mankind wherever He found himself. Despite all these, His people (relatives and village people) do not believe in Him.

Jesus faced much persecution and opposition from the Pharisees and Sadducees, He was called so many evil names for doing good. He became a threat to them but yet He never stops doing good. 

He was tempted in all ways but He never falls into any sin. When His time was up to die for the sin of everyone, he was betrayed by one of His close disciples and crucified by His people. 

He was stripped naked and chastened by the people who hailed Him as the messiah and king. He was mocked by His people. He was given vinegar when He was thirsty, He was nailed on the cross because of you and me. A crown full of thorns was put on His head because of me and YOU.

The agony was too much that He had to call on His heavenly Father, He said ‘WHY HAS THOU FORSAKEN ME’ because GOD cannot look at the sin upon HIM. 

JESUS wished the cup could pass over HIM yet JESUS said ‘not my will but let thy will be done. Then He said it is finished’. i.e all our sorrows and pains are gone. When His time was up, He gave up the ghost. On the third day, He rose again. Death could not hold Him down because He now has the keys of death and Hades, Revelations 1:17b-18

God made Jesus who had no sin to be sin for us so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God 1 Corinthians 5:21. He died so that you can be set free from all iniquity and affliction of the devil. He died so that I and YOU can be saved. 

Only if you can give him a chance to express His love to you. He is amazing, generous, and wonderful. 

Once you accept Him, you are no longer a stranger but a fellow citizen with God’s people and also a member of His household built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus himself as the Chief cornerstone, Ephesians 2:19. In Jesus Christ, you can approach God with freedom and confidence.

The word of God says ‘For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life’ John 3:16

All you need to do is to believe in Him and declare with your mouth that He is the son of God, He died for your sins and He rose again. 

Tell Him to take charge of your life as the LORD of your life starting from this very moment. Promise to always please Him in all your ways and never to go back to your sin any longer. 

Then you will be SAVED.