In a man’s journey, there is always a pattern we must follow in life either consciously or unconsciously as he designs or programs himself in a particular way, the mode of dressing, eating, morals, culture, etc.  Some have decided to follow the trending pattern in their society or in a pattern that seems modest to them. Some may wish or love to live a flamboyant lifestyle and some love the simple life pattern. The aforementioned are still attached to the choice of life pattern of a man. 

Despite the variability in the life pattern of a man, there is also a pattern design for a child of God i.e someone who has surrendered his or her life to Christ, has declared with his/her mouth that Jesus Christ is the son of the living God, the Lord of his/her life and believes in his heart that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. This pattern is called a GODLY PATTERN. 

The Godly pattern is a pattern given to all believers in God’s word through great men of God written by inspiration and revelation through the help of the Holy Spirit. God had already set His standard and nothing on earth or in heaven can change it (2 Timothy 2:19). If truly you want to reign with Jesus Christ, you must follow this standard accordingly, precepts by precepts, lines by lines without adding or subtracting anything. 

When you follow and abide in His word all the time, it reflects in your actions i.e the way you talk, do things, the way you relate with people. Whenever you follow God’s pattern, you represent Him wherever you go, things you do secretly or openly will glorify Him, holiness becomes a lifestyle and truthfulness becomes what you rejoice in always. His love will be shed abroad in your heart, your commitment to Him will always reflect in your actions. Hence, you will love to make peace with all men.

Reading, studying, understanding, and meditating on the word of God reshapes our lifestyle making it conform to the desire of who God wants us to be. We are the salt and the light of this world; it is our responsibility to make our light illuminate our generation. 

Your daily intimacy with the Holy Spirit will reflect in your lifestyle. What you watch, what & who you listen to and the association you keep is also an integral part of the pattern that shape your life. Watch out!

It is our responsibility as Christian to live according to God’s principle if truly we are His children. The Godly pattern speaks the heart of God to the world. It explains how much God loves us and the manner in which man ought to live with one another, how to live a life that is acceptable and pleasing to the father. 

If truly, everyone who called themselves Christians are living according to the Godly pattern i.e following God’s principles accordingly and also living a life of God on earth, hence this world would have been a dwelling place of the Most High. 

So many Christians are distracted by the pleasures of this world. Some are confused already. So many Christians want to enjoy the pleasures of the world and at the same time serve God, which is impossible. You either serve God or serve the devil.  Some don’t want to be criticized by people or called with all sorts of names because of whom they have believed. Some want to enjoy the benefit of the kingdom (being a child of God) but find God’s principles hard and difficult to obey. 

Some, during their Christian journey of obeying the Godly pattern, unconsciously they were distracted and they missed the process of the Godly pattern, they even thought they are still in alignment with the word of God not knowing that they’ve missed the procedure of Godly pattern. 

As for some other people they are scared and not ready to start all over again, they believe they’ve gone too far. For some Christians, they lack Godly guidance and counsel because they are too busy to sit down to study the word of God. They only feed on the messages heard from the ministers of God. And as for some Christians, they are not ready to pay the price. 

Revelations 3:15-16 says “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold, I am about to spit you out of my mouth”. (NIV)

Which category do you fall into? it is not too late to amend your ways. Is your lifestyle portraying a Godly pattern or worldly pattern? Nevertheless, God’s standard stands for sure and cannot be changed no matter who you are. 

2 Corinthians 3:2 says “You yourself are our letters written on our hearts, known and read by everyone” 

The world wants to know more about Godly patterns through you. They are watching YOU, YES, I mean YOU. Let the gospel be preached in all the areas of your life. 

Reconcile with your creator today, ask Him to guide you and order your steps. Tell him to help you in this journey of faith. Tell Him to strengthen you to follow this Godly pattern. Learn to sit, study the word of God, ask the Holy Spirit to help you to abide in God’s word then act on what you’ve study. 

2 Timothy 2:15 says “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth”