You claim God has been speaking to you, and also been working through you, but yet the way you dress doesn’t glorify God. You claim to be a gospel preacher defining the word of God, but people can’t differentiate you and a gangster. You sing with the host of heaven, and lives are being converted to Christ, but yet you look like a Jezebel; there is no difference between you and that official prostitute in your street. However, your way of life doesn’t bother you because you think you are working for God, but not with Him. There’s a glory that’s shed on your way when you walk with the Lord in the light of His word. This is not about what you want to preach first but what you must first become.

My question for you is this, is that the gospel of Jesus Christ or the gospel of Lucifer?

Do you involve the Holy Spirit in the way you dress daily? Asking Him to pick the choice of cloth or hairstyle you want to do.

So many people who called themselves born again Christian dress to kill and make people fall in church. Who are you impressing through your dressing, God or man?

What are your intentions towards your makeup and dressing? You want to be like Pastor Lagbaja; you want to be like Reverend (Mrs) Lakasegbe. Why can’t you be like Jesus? Is that the Christ you behold, and whose image are you being transformed into? (2Corinthians 3:18).

Have you ever asked the Holy Spirit on how God wants you to dress? Or you think it is none of His business?

Hmm! The more you claim to be in the realm of God’s Glory, the more your outward appearance is getting worse, you are not disturbed about it, or you don’t know? You call it fashion. Haa, Sis Bola, Bro Cyrus, you are playing with fire. Okay… I know you are busy with fulfilling God’s assignment, but can you look into the mirror or decide to sit down and check your mode of dressing some years back and compare it with the way you dress now. Judge yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to score you.

You don’t need to look tattered before you preach the gospel, at the same time, you don’t have to dress like the Queen of the coast before men can be convinced that God is speaking through you. It is all about bringing all your life, your day-to-day activities, the way you eat, drink water, talk, dress to the subjection, and direction of the Holy Spirit.

Your outward appearance speaks volumes about what you feed on and what you are made of.

Sister, brother, Aunty, Uncle, the younger generations are looking up to you. Don’t let that newcomer brother start or continue to masturbate because of the way you dress to the church every Sunday. Don’t allow men to fall into the sin of lust through you. Don’t let that young girl look for all means to steal money from someone to buy things just to look like you. Don’t let the people in the church become a victim of hell through you. Don’t divert the souls tied to you, to the red sea of destruction.

“It doesn’t matter; it’s just a fruit” led Eve to lose her divine glory. Everything about you and this generation matters to God.

Don’t be a victim of Isaiah 3:16-17 that says “Moreover the LORD says, “Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with outstretched necks, and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, making a jingling with their feet. Therefore, the Lord will strike with a scab, The crown of the head of the daughters of Zion and the Lord will uncover their secret parts.”

Your body is God’s Sanctuary; it should be kept and preach Christ (Romans 12:1). Dressing modestly with simplicity does not make you a nonentity in society; instead, it adds values to you (Corinthians 6:19-20,12:23). Your body is more precious to God than the activities of flesh or self-satisfaction should defile it.

He that has an ear let him hear👂!