To every parent, children are God’s blessings. Some even claim that they (children) are a source of wealth to the family (no dispute about that). Some worship their children and have almost turned them into Idols. They give them all that they ask, hence, neglecting the weightier responsibility of Parenthood.

Some parents are very disciplined and have determined to train their children in that part, that’s awesome! because being disciplined itself is spiritual, but disciplined without content (God’s word) is an effort in futility.  Even the so-called Christian parents have forgotten or don’t know that children are set of ‘disciples’ given to them by God to raise, nurture, and equipped for the present and coming generation. You are saved and set free from the bondage of sin through grace in Christ Jesus. You are blessed with wonderful children by God and in your own interest, you decided to train them in your own fashioned way against God’s own way.

You gave them the best education, the best of whatsoever they need but you never bring them to the knowledge of Christ the way you should. You never made them realize how much Jesus loves and wants them and that He has created them for His own purpose. You never made them see the reflection of God’s love through you to them. All you feed them with is worldly philosophy, love, anxiety, care, and what life can offer them.

You left your godly assignment over their life for something that will finish, destroy, limited to this world, and unprofitable to their spiritual well-being. What will be your testimony before God? What will you tell God? You left them at home when you are in the church, saying they have their own decision to make, what are you trying to tell God? Is it that God made a mistake giving you children or you are a failure in your primary assignment?

Don’t you know, if you fail in your primary assignment, you fail in all?

Children are God’s heritage and they need to be trained in the way of God. They need to wax strong in the knowledge of Christ. They need to have cordial relationships with Christ. Minister the word of truth to them that they may come to have an intimacy with the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 6:4)

Jesus said Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Mark 10:14.

Jesus cherished the children so much, that He never wants them out of His sight. Don’t deny these children all that they need to know about Christ so that they won’t be a prayer point at your old age when you need to be happy and relaxed. What do you want them to give their own children when they grow up as a parent if not vanities of this world that you have committed in their own hands? Then the devil takes advantage of them.

It is not too late to make things right. All you need to do is to humble yourself before the Lord Jesus tell him how wrong you’ve been and asked Him to help you through nurturing and admonishing your children in the Lord. Because Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain.

This is not only for the married couples but also for the single sisters and brothers reading this text. The Lord is expecting more from you, in raising a godly generation in this dispensation where ungodliness is celebrated and embraced as a way of life. Try not to disappoint God in your primary assignment. He loves you and He has chosen you for this generation.

I strongly believe in God helping us in raising Godly children in this generation.