Generals are grooming, coming forth to destroy the kingdom of darkness.   Are you ready to join them right now? If you miss it now, you can lose it forever. They will shake the nation once again; then, the governments all over the world will know that God still reigns.

Being aware that the kingdom of darkness is not at rest at all, and they are running ahead of time trying to get things in place before the rapture through every form, from the fashion world to the technology, with different philosophies and knowledge. No wonder the Bible says, ” Knowledge will increase.” Daniel 12:4. So, where will you fit in? If you don’t want to be the prey, you either become God’s army or be an instrument to the devil.

The sad news is that the devil is utilizing and enticing those who are to be God’s army. He is distracting them with different flashy things in the world. He kept them busy and overwhelmed to the extent that they ignored the things of God

It is high time you awake from your slumber and wake the sleeping giant in you and set your priorities right. Examine yourself, know who you are working for. Whose flag are you lifting in your heart?  What kind of activity do you engage yourself in? Who do you follow? Who is your role model? Who do you wish to be? Who do you emulate?

Anyone or any activity or any desire that does not raise the banner of Christ in your life or around you is a red flag that signifies danger.

Here is a call unto you this day to join the troop of Christ to fight the last fight of the gospel.

The army will reach out to the perishing souls, speak about the gospel of Christ and not the news of religion and church, and fight against the kingdom of darkness on their knees through prayer and stand up for Christ in the schools, institutions, and different government sectors.

Invading everywhere with God’s presence, chasing the demons with the words of our testimony. Not being shy of who we believe. Becoming a terror and a significant threat to the kingdom of darkness. Using our God-given potential to stand up for Christ, raising His banner as the Captain of our life.

As long as you are ready to answer the call without any selfish motive, the power of God will be bestowed upon you to go forth in His might.

We are that Chosen Generation.