Many people who called themselves children of God have no place before God. They attend church service, lift hands in worship to God which they deny in their heart through the intent of their heart, what a shame.

A life without Jesus is a life exposed to a crisis. A life not structured by God is a meaningless life. Being pleased with everything you have without the presence of the almighty God is a letter to destruction. Peace generated without the acknowledgment of God is a temporary one that will lead to disaster soon. Pleasures which the world gives has an expiring date. Running after the wealth of this world without knowing God or obeying Him will end up being a source of sorrows and tears.

Many lives are in darkness, blindfolded with the riches of the world. Having whatever they desire and getting it at the tip of their hands such as power, money, wealth, fame, connection, etc. Most times they believe they are walking through the right path but they end up in everlasting damnation, what a wasted life. If your lifestyle is something mentioned above, my question is this “For how long will you continue to live a meaningless life?”

You’ve made a new resolution with God to live for Him this year. How sincere are you? Or you choose to say that for Him to keep you safe from all evil ahead of you this year. God Almighty hears you and He kept that record of how you promise to live for Him, how to live a life of purity, how to live a life of a new creature.

He is expecting a lot from you this year. If you can do your part, God Almighty is ready to do His part. God wants you to earnestly contend for the faith this year. Be conscious of who you are in Christ.

Try your best to live a life of holiness this year. You can only ascend to the hill of God with clean hands and a pure heart. Make sure you stay away from any filthiness. Walking upright and speaking the truth will help you go far, though it may be slow. All these can happen when you permit the Holy Spirit to guide you after taking God’s word to be your best book. Read, study and meditate on God’s word.

The word of God says in Joshua 1:8 “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.”

God’s word keeps you moving in times of trials or anytime you are weary. The book of 2 Timothy 2:15 says “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Make sure prayer becomes your daily dose. Pray without ceasing. You can’t wage war against the principalities and powers when the fire of your altar is down. One of the ways to build up yourself is through prayer.

Jude1:20 says ” But ye beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.”

If you follow these steps, there will be testimony through your work with God this year. You can abide by those steps through the help of the Holy Spirit.

I see God helping you this year.