I’m not gonna let go because I have a lot to achieve.

There are lots of tasks before me that need to be completed.

I don’t want to be replaced by anyone.

Millions of souls are attached to me, if I fail,  they fail.

I don’t want to disappoint my creator. 


Yes, I know there are many challenges, yet I need to be strong. 

Sometimes, I am overwhelmed by the circumstances I found myself in, I feel like giving up.

Do you know what? I’m not letting go.

I’m not giving up. 

I’m not stopping 


The journey ahead of me is still far, 

There are many territories to conquer, 

There are many nations needed to be taken for Christ. 

I don’t want to be replaced.

I want to finish my race by fighting the good fight. 


I can’t give up now, not now.

The devil wants me to give up now but I refuse to give up. 

I want to make my saviour proud. 

I want Him to be proud of me.

I choose His way above any other way. 


Though I might be discouraged on my journey,

Though I might be forsaken,

Though I might be mocked. 

I’m not giving up on Him. 

I choose to follow Him.


What are you choosing above your creator? Are you given up on God already? Are you giving up on your faith? Are you giving up on your dreams? 

This is not the time to give up on God because the devil is waiting for you to mess you up. Renew your mind to follow your creator before you become prey to the devil.

My dear, this journey is not for the lazy. You don’t need to faint now. If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. (Proverbs 24:10). 

Arise and refuse to give up on God because He is not giving up on you.