Who has bewitched this generation that has taken God’s grace for granted? They swim in sin yet operate in divine dimensions and feel nothing bad about it. They go about doing some other things as if nothing had happened to their spiritual image.
Well, your father is Papa Samson who took God’s grace for granted and you know how his story ended. No wonder many young people in our generation die at a tender age.
You want to operate in the realm that our fathers operate but the little utterance given to you is being defiled and abused at the altar of fornication. Your conscience is dead yet you boast and say that “His grace covers me”.
What a pity! Have you forgotten Father Paul said “shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not” Romans 6:1-2. It means it is impossible. Before you know it, the devil is already in front of you, ready to snatch you young, He is ready to cut your story short.
It is high time you call yourself and speak to your spirit, soul and body, go back to the cross and make reconciliation with the father (God) and start afresh. It is not too late for you now.
The grace of God remains everlasting for those who are ready to live according to God’s ordinance and those who diligently seek Him.