It’s a beautiful Monday morning, Jadesola, the best graduating student of Living Spring University is well prepared for the interview she has with the multinational company in the town.
She went to the bus stop to board a bus. On getting to the bus stop there are lots of people in the queue, she had no choice but to wait for her turn.
Suddenly, a pretty young lady stepped on her shoes, she yelled at the young lady and started using lots of foul words on her.
Apologetically, the lady was sorry for stepping on her. She shunned her and entered the bus. The young lady tried to talk to her on the bus but she turned her face away.
They both highlighted at the front of the multinational company. She looked at her and ignored her.
They both entered into the company, the gateman welcomed both of them with a smile, Jadesola looks down on the gateman and never responded but the young lady responded with a smile.
Jadesola thought she is either the receptionist or someone who is not relevant in the company because everyone in the company was in corporate clothes.
After an hour she was called for the interview, she performed excellently well. She was told she would need to meet the managing director of the company. She was very glad.
On getting to the managing director’s office, she was surprised to see the young lady she yelled at the bus stop. She was sitting on the executive chair. She was shocked and ashamed of herself.
The lady smiled and explained to her how her vehicle develops some fault and could not wait for the mechanic to work on it because she has to attend to the people that would be employed in the company that day.
Jadesola was offered a position that is lesser than her qualification because of her pride. She had no choice but to accept the offer because she had boasted to her friends and neighbours how she was convinced she would be offered a job in the prestigious company and she did not want to go back home without getting the job.
Jadesola had to work for a whole year before she was promoted to the position she should have occupied the first time she was employed.
Jadesola became humble to everyone in the company. She learned her lesson a hard way.
Humility aids greatness and open doors to greater opportunity in life.
It brings you to a state where you are favoured by everyone you come across.
Never look down on anyone because they might become a source of blessing to you.
Never learn your lesson a hard way just like Jadesola before you become humble to people around you.
True nobleness and greatness are always found in humility.