One of the best things you can do to develop yourself is to believe in yourself and ignore the negative words being said about you. They don’t know what you’ve been through, they don’t know what you are facing, and they can’t know you more than the way you know yourself.

They are not God, they do not know what the future holds for you. They can only try to predict but as far as God is concerned He is the only one who knows your beginning and your end. So why do you listen to what they say about you? The best thing is to focus on yourself and develop yourself to prove them wrong.

Just be “YOU” and no other person. No one on earth can ever be the version of YOU, they can only try, but they won’t be YOU. Your life lies in God’s hands, be focused, be determined and try all your possible best to be that special person you dream to be.

Life is too short to waste time on what people say. Be proud of yourself, develop yourself, be disciplined, prophesy into your life and keep your head up. Then you will see yourself becoming who you want to be.

Never doubt your identity because of what people say about you. Don’t forget that “you are the version of yourself, so be the best version of yourself”.