Your background does not determine who you will become, but all you need to know about yourself can be made known at Jesus’ feet. We have diverse Christian beliefs today because many of the so-called Christians never tarried enough to know the mind of God in the secret place, but rather, they prefer to preach philosophical doctrines for people to consume. This has led to different beliefs and traditions in the body of Christ.

There are times we need to sit down and learn to decode some things in the realm of the Spirit. Sitting at Jesus ‘ feet makes us know the heart of God towards ourselves and humanity. The more you sit, the more you see.

Your mindset and motive also matter a lot. So many people who called themselves Christians only became Christian because of the benefits they will get and some for their selfish interest. Some decided to go for discipleship classes to oppress people around them so that they will know that they are no longer on the same level. Some chose to attend theology school for fame and recognition.

The most exciting part about knowing God is that God uses the foolish things of this world to confuse the wise. God uses a less privileged one, picks such a fellow, prepares him/her, trains, builds, and makes him/her fit for the master’s use. Biblical references are David, Esther, Gideon, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego, to mention a few.

As long as you will make yourself available for God’s use, ready to be humble and submit to His divine instructions,  He will give you a voice in your generation. Many nations will come to hear the mind of God through you, not excluding the so-called wise men and women.

Never look down on yourself as someone God can not use. There’s none God cannot use. Make yourself available for Him to use and let His light shine through you.

God needs people who are available and as well responsible; He needs people who are patient enough. He needs people who will wait before Him for a long time. He needs people who will not compromise His love for the things of the world. He needs people that will rightly deliver the gospel message to the world, just like the apostles of old.

God needs you, I mean the person reading this message, Yes YOU. He wants to use you to set the captive free.

Will you make yourself available?

Are you available but not responsible?

Which category do you belong to?

Make your choice today!