It’s so funny to know that some people are categorized as being a Christian either by name, birth or religion and not by conviction. Some are Christians on Easter and Christmas day. They become Christian when they are devasted or need a miracle or breakthrough. They become Christians as a result of the constant chase of a village masquerade in their dreams. Some will even tell you, “I am partially a Christian and partially other religion. Does that really make any sense to you? Our God is a jealous God, He doesn’t share His own people with anyone. Exodus 20:2-6.

Some called themselves Christians and yet still observe the Family traditions or rituals. They defend themselves saying “It does not spoil the faith; it is our father’s traditions and we must honour and obey it”. You called yourself a child of God yet you still attend carnivals where immoralities and ungodliness are being celebrated and idolized.

You tell yourself; you don’t want to be fully committed to this Christian religion of a thing. For your information, Christianity is not a religion but a lifestyle. If you cannot be for Christ and Christ alone, then the devil is your headmaster. In God’s kingdom, there is no space for a part-time Christian. Some people have turned God into something else, they make decisions on what God should do in their lives and business.  They call Him when things are getting tough, and hard for them.

Some who are going to church but full of activities but their spiritual life is nothing to write about are not left behind. Some contribute the best of their offering to the development of the church projects but their heart is really far from God. Some may have positions in the church but not have a seat before God. They turn God to a Man that doubles their blessings without stress as long as they are ready to give to Him part of their money. You people are also a victim of part-time Christians.

God works mysteriously. Never look down on Him or underestimate what He is capable of doing. In God, there’s no wickedness and He will never make His children suffer for anything when he is not taken for granted. For the fact that you have sufficient grace in Christ Jesus doesn’t give you the audacity to swim in sin i.e falling and rising in sin intentionally. God cannot be mocked. He corrects us in so many ways for us to be humble. He wants us to realize what we’ve done wrong and make amendment but so many Christians see the chastisement as a demonstration of God’s cruelty on us. Through this, you diverted your interest in Him to something else that doesn’t worth it. You decided not to take the things of God serious, I want you to know that you are making a big mistake. Some claim to have asked for forgiveness, but my question is “Are you intentional about your statement or Do you feel remorseful for what you’ve done?”

Your manner of approach to God really matters a lot. What you can’t try with a fellow human being like you, never try it with your creator. You feel you own your life and you can do whatsoever you want with it and yet still call on the Most High, that’s is impossible. Why will you be sinning intentionally and having it at the back of your mind that you will go back and ask for forgiveness? Never forget that this same God is a consuming fire Hebrews 12:29. If He chooses to kill you or destroy you there’s nothing you can do about it. So, be careful before Him, don’t let too much familiarity with His name and love makes you lose your eternal relationship with Him.

Never take God for granted and try not to abuse His divine grace over your life. When He corrects, accept His corrections with gladness because He is a loving and caring father who does not want any of His children to end in the lake of fire. Accept Him totally into your life and everything that concerns you, let people know your stand with Him and let them know whom you’ve believed.

Ask for His divine strength in this journey of life, strength and grace never to deny Him in times of trial and grace to love Him more than anything in this world.