There’s always a burden you can’t control especially when it is necessary for you to express. The burden for the present generation and the ones to come. Tears on my face and hurts that are more painful than being stabbed with a knife overwhelm my heart seeing generations rejoicing and jubilating on their pathway to eternal destruction.

What is wrong with our generation?

This is a question that I keep asking myself. Who has bewitched us?

A generation that never gives regards to elders neither do they listen nor hearken to whatsoever they have to tell us. A generation that wants to get wealth and famous, well recognized in the society without sweat or hard labour. A generation that wants to be in power and compete with the old men acquiring what the old men use most of their years to work for before acquiring it. A generation that never obeys and respects their mothers or fathers, they’ve become a rebel in their own way and yet proud of it. Some even deny their parents publicly and never mind using their parents for money ritual. Their conscience is dead.

A generation where Virginity is been mocked and seen as a disease or lack of opportunity to be exposed. A generation that has the opportunity to study in school at ease but reject education because of the pleasure and peer pressure. Some who attend school have their motive of studying to embezzle money leading to corruption in society.

A generation that doesn’t care about the place where they should be and where they need not be. They dine and wine with the devil, some even say it to other people’s faces with boldness.

A generation that has been possessed by the devil, the pleasure, wealth and power given to them by the devil has overshadowed them and eventually made them blind. Generations where humans are just like a goat which they can slaughter whenever they need blood for rituals.

The Spirit of immorality is out there torturing a lot of people, even some ministers of God.

A generation where some are aware that their destiny has been used, and yet they are indifferent about it. They continue in their immorality.

A generation that knows the implication of transaction with the devil and yet still went ahead to indulge themselves in the ungodly act.

A generation that vows never to know God or to seek after the things of God because they believe that God is not real if at all He is real, He is very slow to answer and take action to whatsoever they might want.

A generation that their fellow human being is nothing to them, neither do they respect the presence of God. They do anything to get rich, powerful and attain worldly things. Even those who are born in Christian homes are in this fold. Children no longer respect parents, students don’t respect their teachers, mentees are now arrogant to their mentors.

Now, what about a generation that wants to burn for God or a generation that burn for God but neglect the aspect of attitude and proper aspect of being virtuous. A generation that does not welcome the principle of honour. They ignore the character of who they should be.  They carry anointing, they are full of divine gift and different mantle but lacks character. When they are coming to the gathering of God’s people, they dress decently but outside they dress seductively just like Jezebel. Their arrogance is second to known. They sing like archangels before all but they are Jezebel in attitude. Their appearance emphasis on lust.

They are so stingy that they can’t bless the minister of God who has been breeding, teaching and praying for them. When the fathers talk about giving, they make a mockery of him and feels he is begging.

They fasted and prayed for power and mantle but their intentions were wrong. They want to be called Apostles, Evangelist, Bishop in order to be a threat to their Cohort. They want to be honoured but looked down on their fathers in the Lord all because they believe they are more spiritual than them and their fathers never operate in the kind of dimensions they are now operating. They ignore the place of honour and yet they want to receive the blessing of the fathers they never respect.

The fathers are not blind, they know what you are up to, they know your tricks, they are sad because you are heading to destruction. There is a way that seems good and right in the eyes of man but the end thereof is destruction. Only if this generation can be patient enough, stay longer in the secret place. Only if we are ready to take in or yield to corrections. If only we are ready to be discipled by the fathers of faith and always listen to them. Only if we are ready and will always honour them, recognizing the place of their office and knowing that they are the head no matter how big and large our ministry might become. Only if we are ready to serve with all our heart without expecting any praise or reward, serving with joy and happiness. Yielding to correction without regret.

The blessings of the fathers go a long way in the lives of the children. It brings speed and accuracy to the life of such a child i.e what you need to pass through in hard labour and experience before you could achieve it, it will be achieved within a short period of time without stress. It makes the child have a double portion of the master/father; a good example is from Elijah to Elisha.

In case you find yourself in any of those things mentioned above, it is high time you recognize the place of the cross and go back to the cross for reconciliation. You have to balance it with consistency with him through fellowship in the secret place of the most high. More also never forget the place of Honour.

The best thing that can ever happen to you is to know JESUS

The best generation is the generation that pants after the things of God in accordance with the scriptures.