Christ Model was borne out of the burden of seeing young believers and young generation living a life that is not pleasing to the father (God) and lack of honour to the fathers in the body of Christ. This reflects in the manner in which they talk, relate with one another and most especially their mode of dressing.


Christ Model is created and here to stay in order to speak God’s mind to people at this time and to raise a godly generation that will stand against the kingdom of darkness, living their life according to God’s precept in order to be role models to the next generation. 


This could be achieved by building up children and youths in the word of God so that they may come to the light of God’s personality, the knowledge of the love of Jesus Christ, and understanding of the intimacy with the Holy Spirit. 

They are being secure through their faith in the gospel of Christ which they declare with their mouth. 


Christ Model existence in this generation and at this time is to make sure that young believers: 

1. Come to the knowledge of Christ.

2. Understand the love of Jesus Christ.

3. Understand what the gospel of Christ is all about.

4. Get to know their identity in Christ.

5. Develop intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

6. Reflect the gospel of Christ in their attitude, mode of dressing, and speech.

7. Make godliness their watchword wherever they find themselves.

8. Would be able to balance their everyday social life with their spiritual life